Friday, March 4, 2011

How We Can Help The Women - By Pollyanna Melo

We have a lot of ways to help the women in the world. First we need to think about what the women need. If the women need the freedom and equality, we need to think what it represents for them.
If freedom is can do everything we need to give them supporting to do everything. Many women need to work and sometimes they cannot work because they have children. The government needs to give them places that they can leave their children and go to work.
They want to choice about work outside and work at home, they need to prepare to work outside, and they need study and security for that.
If they want to get a good job, they need the same chance than men have. They need the same salary, and the same opportunity.
The women need to be safe at home and at work. Sometimes, at work the women are humiliated just because are women. Many men can do bad things against the women. Often, at work, some men make sexual violence against the women. A lot of men still think they are better the women.
The women need to be safe at home, too. Many husbands can come to home drunk. These is the problem, because a lot of men when they came to home drunk they beat his wife and humiliate they. The violence at home is the biggest problem for the women these days.
I think the women need the specifically places when she can ask about her rights and flight about them. They need tranquility and support on all the ways in her life. At home, at work, on the city, where they are. They need help about how they can get solution for them problems. They need the psychological follow and to feel safe to continuous her fight on the world.

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