Sunday, March 20, 2011

voluunterring by Moulaye

I like to describe voluunterring for my sister's place, but this day my classmate and I went, but we didn't fing a parking for our car, we found everywhere for park our car, we didn't find.
My Sister’s Place Women’s Center is dependent on the generosity of others.   Volunteers are vital to our continued success.
My Sisters' Place (MSP) appreciates and depends on the very important contribution of volunteers and interns who enable us to fulfill our mission.
I like voluunterring for my sister's place.
by Moulaye

Friday, March 18, 2011

11. "Man in the Mirror" Michael Jackson (Pop)
I think like it means that he's gonna wanna make a really big change, but he has to start with himself. He sees all these kids out in the streets, barely eating, and all this other stuff that he ignored at first. He says the lines "who am I to be blind with pretending not to see their needs." So he looks into the mirror and asks himself. so he starts with himself to make a big change...starting small. The message in this song is simply that, "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." Basically, if you want to change the world, change yourself first. This is a song that deals with Poverty and the peoples lack of responsiblitiy for the sick and dying. I think this song is important also in the black story, because much black people live in poverty.
Hadia Tangara...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My idea of the perfect romantic date are much, but I want tell you the best. The best romantic date is to be just alone with your love somewhere quiet, like home for example, then you can watch a romantic movie, give kiss, the caress etc.. Also the best way can be if you have time to go out like in club, at movie, or just walk to the mall. There are many ways to enjoy a romantic date, it's just everybody has his or her own choice.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The most women feel separate of others people, some reasons can be because they are not interesting, not ideal women, or may be they have a bad image in their life. We must help women, to share with them their problems, give them indirectly our advice, don't push them to do something, to be comprehensible with them etc. because the women play an important place in our society. It is the women who follow usually our kids education, our kids health, etc...  We can profite, for this day to show (men) at all women the forgiveness, the love, the considerations and others kind the donations, like give the food, the clothes, etc...

Sunday, March 13, 2011
A volunteer experience I have been was to participated  wedding of my uncle. My help was first, informed some people about the wedding, I sent more messages and called more people also. I have found with the friends, a good DJ for the music. I helped also the people to make good look the place with the lights, the flowers, etc. In the finish, I drove some people from their destination.
Posted by hadia at 12:19 AM 0 comments

Democracy Now by Sawitree Arnmanee

Democracy Now!
            is an American daily independent syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion aired by more than 900 radio, television, satellite and cable TV networks in North America. The award-winning one hour "War and Peace Report" is hosted by progressive investigative journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, and serves as the flagship program for Pacifica Radio network.The program is funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations and does not accept advertisers, corporate underwriting, or government funding.
            "For true democracy to work, people need easy access to independent, diverse sources of news and information." This is the slogan.
            My country has this type of news these. Is an independent journalist. The news out through the newspapers. And the website. I like to read the news these. It is interesting news, relevant and reveal.

Democratic now By Karim Mamadou Coulibaly

DEMOCRATIC TALK RADIO was launched to spread the message that the nation's traditions demand true democratic government and to promote Democracy everywhere. It was founded in Fayetteville, Tennessee on that night in December 2000 when the U.S. Supreme Court halted the Florida 2000 Presidential Election Recount and imposed the rule of George W. Bush on the American nation. Free elections and honest vote counts are a must in a real, functioning Democracy!
Our show advocates for American workers and consumers. Democratic Talk Radio defends your constitutional rights and real American traditions. It protects the little guy from the many abuses of huge international corporations. Democratic Talk Radio believes in the Bill of Rights and real economic opportunity. It cares about the poor and middle class Americans.
Visit our
Radio Program Archives page to listen to some of the militantly democratic commentary of Democratic Talk Radio. The program is hosted by Stephen Crockett, John Morgan and Dana Garrett. Democratic Talk Radio is broadcast from WGPA SUNNY 1100 AM radio (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) on Thursdays from 8:05am to 9am Eastern. Feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestion
 feeds to keep informed of the most recent political developments.

Karim Mamadou Coulibaly

Democracy Now by Moulaye

Democracy Now is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the United States. Democracy Now is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television, and on the internet.
Democracy Now’s War and Peace Report provides our audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media, including independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts. In addition, Democracy Now! hosts real debates–debates between people who substantially disagree, such as between the White House or the Pentagon spokespeople on the one hand, and grassroots activists on the other.
New stations are adding Democracy Now! to their programming schedules all the time, and there are several movements going on around the country right now to bring Democracy Now! to new communities. To find out more about these efforts, and how to get involved,
I think Democracy Now is a good name, Democracy comes to the development of countries.
by Moulaye

djouma sidibe

Democracy is the sign of freedrom in world .so everyone like to have freedrom.the relationship of people togetter come from democracy.that why everybady still like

democratic now by Karim M amadou Coulibaly

DEMOCRATIC TALK RADIO was launched to spread the message that the nation's traditions demand true democratic government and to promote Democracy everywhere. It was founded in Fayetteville, Tennessee on that night in December 2000 when the U.S. Supreme Court halted the Florida 2000 Presidential Election Recount and imposed the rule of George W. Bush on the American nation. Free elections and honest vote counts are a must in a real, functioning Democracy!
Our show advocates for American workers and consumers. Democratic Talk Radio defends your constitutional rights and real American traditions. It protects the little guy from the many abuses of huge international corporations. Democratic Talk Radio believes in the Bill of Rights and real economic opportunity. It cares about the poor and middle class Americans.
Visit our
Radio Program Archives page to listen to some of the militantly democratic commentary of Democratic Talk Radio. The program is hosted by Stephen Crockett, John Morgan and Dana Garrett. Democratic Talk Radio is broadcast from WGPA SUNNY 1100 AM radio (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) on Thursdays from 8:05am to 9am Eastern. Feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions. We invite you to post your democratic commentary on our new blog. Please tune in and visit this site often so that you can get the latest information on our struggles on behalf of responsible and responsive government. We need letter writers, activists and grassroots organizers to keep America free. Read our message board and latest political news feeds to keep informed of the most recent political developments.
Karim Mamadou Coulibaly

Liudmila. Woman's day

Unfortunately, I do not know, whether is in my country volunteers. I did not collide with it in the life. It is a shame to me to admit, but it is the truth. I am not confident that could to help extraneous people because in my life always there were many the close people requiring my help. All our life has been constructed on mutual aid. That I necessary to help parents on a “dacha”, that I necessary to look my mum after operation, that my girlfriend in hospital and I necessary to visit and prepare to eat for she (in our hospitals disgusting meal), that I necessary to see to the neighbor’s child... And so endlessly!!! To tell the truth! Men did not address to me for the help. All this calms my conscience a little. In fact, if I shall go to help another who at this time will help my relatives? And who will help them better me?

Democracy Now by Murat Ozturk

Democracy is System of government in which ultimate political power rests with a nation's population at large Citizens have the right to participate in political decision-making Democracy is not an Ideology, but rather an ideal that can be reached or embodied by various institutional arrangements according to one's ideological conception of Freedom, Participation, Rights.

Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S.
          Democracy Now! is a motto, so good name.
Democracy Now

The media democracy movement aims to change the current mass media system into one that is more diverse and less consolidated, that offers a balance of commercial and noncommercial programming, and that fosters the informed debate essential to democracy. This series of interconnected Fact Sheets gives an overview of the mass media system and Its issues are concerned about what happen in world like right now the situation in Japan, in Libya or more others. the concerns of the media democracy movement. In my country we have some medias almost like Democracy Now, there are “independent”, “good morning” etc. I think Democracy Now! is an independent syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion aired by more than 700 radio, television, satellite and cable TV networks in North America. ...

Hadia Tangara...
This radio station is different because is speak about democratic around the world or other radio
Is music game and more crazy thing. They are talking about democratic around the world what
Happens all the times in different country what we need to do share idea with other people ask
About help for help people in critical situation. I am so made because in my country is impossible
To see that the government can t accept because they know if we get this kind of radio is going to be
A real problem to them .The democracy name is good name because that is a meaning for a radio station talk about democracy that a wonderful title I really like it.
                       JULES  DIBABO
                                Democracy Now! by Marcel Cassiano.

         Democracy Now! "is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television (DISH network: Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410; DIRECTV: Free Speech TV ch. 348 and Link TV ch. 375); and on the internet. DN!’s podcast is one of the most popular on the web.
        Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media, including independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts. In addition, Democracy Now! hosts real debates–debates between people who substantially disagree, such as between the White House or the Pentagon spokespeople on the one hand, and grassroots activists on the other.
       New stations are adding Democracy Now! to their programming schedules all the time, and there are several movements going on around the country right now to bring Democracy Now! to new communities. To find out more about these efforts, and how to get involved..."
       Democracy Now is a good name for Radio Station because describes exactly the way it conducts the news, with absolute independence in its content; Most important is dont forget that the main fact is the quality in the topics discussed...


Democracy comes from the Greek words it demos – people and cratos - operate (manage, control, governs). That designates authority of people. However the present democracy existed only in the Ancient Greece. As soon as on pre-election business (company) began to give money true sense of this word has been perverted. Tell me! What people can allocate millions dollars for the president’s pre-election company? Therefore now, all over the world, the people don’t govern of their country, but money operates, those who have are more exact them! Unfortunately conversations on democracy (as educational mission among savages) often covered geopolitical interests, and sometimes frankly colonial. And all conversations about democracy are actually hypocritical. That all, what I see on a site and in information programs about democracy does not cause in me interest and sympathy.

Democracy now good

     Democracy is very imporatan for poeple.Evry people like feeridom. They like to do .which wants they like to do somthik to wrong  they have to say samthink to democracy. that's why humman like  academiecs and independent analysts.people like to heple and national policy that's why democracy is good

Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media, including independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts.

Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, NPR, community, and college radio stations; on public access, PBS, satellite television (DISH network: Free Speech TV ch. 9415 and Link TV ch. 9410; DIRECTV: Free Speech TV ch. 348 and Link TV ch. 375); and on the internet. DN!’s podcast is one of the most popular on the web.

Democracy  meansgovernment by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.’    Now means  Existing at the present time
Democracy Now means what is happenig in politics & in the UNITED STATE and in the World , Democracy Now   provide s the latest news

tarun saini

information collected by damocracy

Democracy Now by Wiktor Tarasiewicz

Democracy Now look like more criticize governement U.S.A. than other american media. He interest more what going-on in Near East, military action United States and Haiti. In Poland are too similar news media maybe even more critical.

VOLUNTEER IN Russia by Roman Mukhordykh

When I was in college, our class has chosen to help the homeless and asked for next day asked to bring unnecessary items if they exist, I have had a lot of them so I got a complete package. The next day we went with the class in a house where people live without shelter, we were asked to distribute clothes and prepare meals for them. I really enjoyed this experience because it was nice how people were happy to see us, glad gifts Cator we brought them and the food that we are prepared for them. It was not a forgettable experience

Friday, March 11, 2011

Volunteer Experience by licelotte perez

. why shoul
      Personally I have never been volunteer, but I saw the pictures and some people talk and I must be somthing fantastic staff. Help people who really should make you fell a person useful to society. Personally, I would volunteer for children with cancer and in nursing homes. To see in the vedios with the passion the people spoke of being volunteer. I felt that I also I want to know how is feels to help others that way and think God will let me thatd you feel a great satisfaction in your power to help those really need it.

murat ozturk

My Sister's Place was good experince for me, i helped some homless women on the 8 March, Thank You Houck

I get interested about with children homlesses. I can not say something, thinking enough..

This is big problem around the world, first important things we have to think, how can we solve the problem, but people are making still mistake, for example My Sister's Place employes give food them only 1 plate, 1 dessert, dessert : 1 piece cookie, maybe enough for them, but thats show us, this problem important or negligible..

Volunteer Experience by Sawitree Arnmanee

I came to My Sister's Place for our volunteer assignment, I like it. It’s a good. It was a good experience for me. Because I think helping people is good. It is a pleasure to help them. I like the food that's served to their. It is a good chance to meet their. Speak with their. I want my teacher to organize this event again. It is an activity that is beneficial. I think that makes society better.
Volunteers by Marcel Cassiano

    According to UN definition, "the volunteer is the young or the adult who, because of his personal interest and his public spirit, devoted most of his time, without any remuneration, to various forms of activities, organized or not, well welfare, or other fields ...”
  Being a volunteer is donating their time, effort and talent to causes of social and community and thereby improves the quality of community life. Is important to remember that we are part of this community in which we contribute, if every person does something the next even with small actions, it will make with that minimizes the differences among peoples.
Make a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now!


In 2005 i was volunteer in Cameroon douala for   Orphan child at the community center.
His one for the moment I don t like to write about but I need to share this experience now.
In   October 2005 my mother decided to bring us at Community center to be volunteer.
I did n t know that going to see a big moment of my life. I saw so many children who was
No parent’s age by 1 to 14 years old why I don t have answer but they need help we play together
Have may fun cook for them but the most part it s speak to them about a situation they have been.
I cried when I speak because is so hard I feel no power no answer the only I can say is how I can do
About that people need to go I see all that I can t say more.
                                       JULES DIBABO
 I was went mar 8 my sister's place. we are 5 sutdents and oure favorite techer.she took there we saw lot of por people .I reary enjoy for volunteers work. but i work my commnity all the thime .I have lot of experans for homlesh peopleand i learn obut every thining we are lot of volnuteers we give the foods for them.We tak obut the cocial work.We take a lot of picture we are there 3 houre fist time we waite long time out side. that time we all boring and after we all inside we strted jub is funny.



My Syster’s Place  experience was very good .I worked as a volunteer at My Sister’s Place on Womans day.I felt very happy that time to help as volunteer .We were serving the food to the homeless Women and their children.We did dishwashing &cleaning the table. Thanks for our Teacher to gives us a Opurtunity to work with My Sister's Place. My Sister's Place Women's Center serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, 7 days week, to homeless women and their children. Individuals and groups are needed to serve and/or prepare monthly meals. Meals can be prepared from scratch in our kitchen or prepared at home to be heated at the Center.

Special skills required or recommended for this position: Volunteers should be at least 14 years old, able to move freely around the kitchen and dining room, and comfortable working with diverse populations.
To volunteer for this position, or for more information, contact: Faith Savill at 410.659.3746 or

By Tarun Saini

My Sister's Place - Woman's Day - By Pollyanna Melo

When I went to My Sister’s Place, I thought I will see many poor women, but it’s not right. I saw different kind the woman. I saw younger woman, older woman, poor and I think there was middle class woman also, because the look some women was pretty good. In addition, we talked with the woman, she is so smart and she told us she is graduated in accounting. She makes a lot of accounts for us and told: “Maybe you came here and think everybody here is poor, not smart, or ignorant. You don’t have to think that, because here have a lot of smart women. Many times in the life to be smart is not important, you need to have opportunities. ” She was very sad, and I think many women there is the same feeling and to ask for themselves what’s wrong.  I felt sad when I heard her. I felt like a drop in the ocean. What we can do to help these women? I thought. So I saw many things I don’t like, too. For example I saw a lot of women throwing away the food. I thought when the person came this kind the place she has hungry and she needs some food. But I think many women there don’t want just eat they want company, they want to talk to someone, they want stay together. Maybe this way they feel better, because they can help each other. I liked to have gone the My Sister’s Place, because I could see more what kind the problem has here in United States, and I can see this country has the same problems than other countries have. As well as I like to help everybody if I can. However I don’t like to see the people sad and solitary because it makes me sad, too.

Volunteer experience by Wiktor Tarasiewicz

Volunteers of America Action Teams worked alongside Home Depot and the Phillies to make a memorable day for the senior citizens at Lindenwold Towers. Students and Home Depot volunteers planted a vegetable garden and flowers and built a bench and gazebo for the residents of Lindenwold Towers to enjoy. Three Phillies players stopped by the worksite. Ryan Howard called out Bingo numbers while Shane Victorino played alongside some of the residents of Lindenwold Towers and Ben Francisco challenged some students to a game of Wii baseball. The volunteers and residents of Lindenwold Towers enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs cooked by members of the U.S. Air Force for lunch. Volunteers are good people who help other people for free and make the world better without expect payment for work.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Man in the Mirror" is a song by Michael Jackson. It peaked at number one in the United States when released as a single in early 1988 off his seventh solo album, Bad. It is one of Jackson's most critically acclaimed songs and it was nominated for Record of the Year at the Grammy Awards. The song topped the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks. The song peaked at number 21 in the UK Singles Charts in 1988, but in 2009, following the news of Jackson's death, the song peaked at number two, behind Cascada's "Evacuate the Dancefloor," having re-entered the chart at 11 the previous week as his top song on the singles chart.I t also became the No. 1 single in iTunes downloads in the U.S. and the U.K .Jackson performed a live, extended version of the song at the 1988 Grammy Awards. He also performed the song as the ending of the concert during theBad World Tour's second leg, and regularly during the Dangerous World Tour. On July 16, 1996, Jackson also performed "Man in the Mirror" at the Royal Concert Brunei for the last time prior to the United We Stand benefit concert. The instrumental introduction to the song was played at the end of Jackson's memorial service, while his casket was being carried out; followed by the appearance of a spotlight shining on a microphone on an empty stage. After a closing prayer that incorporated themes from the song, the spotlight remained shining on the lone microphone. The song is also featured as the final number in Michael Jackson's This Is It. The song was quoted by Jermaine Jackson during Celebrity Big Brother 2007, while confronting several house mates who had been bullying an Indian housemate, the Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty. The song was played into the house the following morning as an alarm.



For me,the perfect romantic is that you want to have a situation where you want to be her prince and she  can be your princess.That’s why   a candlit dinner is so perfect for me.You both can dress your best which can tells your lover that you want to give your best to this love affair  as well.And as you linger over good food’perhaps some wine and gazing in to each over’s eyes,you have that kind of reflective setting and plenty of time for the muse of romance to come out,to bring out the romanticin both of you.If you and your lover are destined for a greatromance,those feelings will surface on just about any kind of date.but by looking for the perfect romantic ideas, you can nurture that feeling and give that small romantic flame some room to grow and take over her heart until it is a consuming passion.And once that passion takes over,it will never let etheir of you two go.



Born in August 4,1961 ,Obama is 44th and current president of the United States .He is the first African American to hold the office.Obama previously as a United States  senator from Illinois,from January 2005 until he resigned his election to the presidency in November 2008.A native of Honolulu, Hawaii,Obama  is a graduate of Columbia University  and Howard Low School ,where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review.He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his Law degree . He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Low School from 1992 to 2004.Obama served three terms  in the  Illinois senate from 1997 to 2004.Following an successful bid against a Democratic incumbent  for a seat in the US.House of representative in 2000 he ran for United States senate in 2004. Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign including his story in the March 2004 Democratic primary and his keynote address at the Democratic National convention in July 2004.He won election to the USA senate in November 2004.His presidential campaign began in February 2007 ,and after a close campaign  in the 2008 Democratic  party presidential primaries against Hillary Rodham Clinton,he won his party nomination.In the 2008 general election ,he defeated Republican nominee John Mc Can and was inaugurated as president of the United Sates on January 2009 .

I think that this personality is important in American's history for many reasons: first he is the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN president of the US,second he changed the image of his country .He belied the best political campaign i think in the history of the US.His election made emotion around the world,thing that we never see. finally he became the inspiration of many people around the world.THINK YOU MR OBAMA we'll remember that all our life.