Friday, May 6, 2011

Orther immigrant

The Jewish immigration history America started in 1860. In this year 200,000 German Jews immigrated to USA. From 1882 to 1914, 2 million Jews immigrated from eastern Europe to USA. The Jewish immigration in the years 1882-1914 changed the Jews history. It created new Jewish centers, decreased the Jewish numbers in Europe and made new religious-culture trends in the Jewish people.
Some Jews didn't want to immigrate. The orthodox Jews were afraid that they will not be able to remain Jews and they will not be able to eat kosher food. Many Jews thought that they must stay in Russia and fight for their rights. Others thought that they betray they homeland Russia. Most of the Jews were for the immigration. Even the educated Jews, that first were against the immigration, joined and immigrated to USA.

                 JULES DIBABO

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