Friday, February 11, 2011


I think the perfect romantic date is when the couple can be together and talk about what they are feeling when they are walking the same direction and they can do the same plans to the future about the lifes. But for me it is every day!

If you want to know what I like to do on the Valentine's day it is too different. The Valentine's day is the special day when you want to show to everybody how much you love and how much you want to be beside your boyfriend ( girlfried, husband, wife...).

This day is special because, the both want to do differents things for get happy each other. The people think about this day many days before this happen. I like that. I love!!!
My idea the perfect romantic date is:
First the couple need to wake up together, the men needs to make the breakfast and bring on the bed for me. We can eat all the delicious breakfast together and get up and take a shower.

After that we need the special day, we need to walk on the street hand in hand, I think it is so romantic.

On the midday we need to lunch in a special and quiet restaurant because we need private space to exchange looks and talk about some special things for us. The man needs to pay the bill and he needs to do many surprises for me. Maybe, give me chocolats, flowers or make one declaration love. After the lunch the man should to bring me a beautiful dress and say me he wants to see me at night wearing the dress, because he plans to go out to get a dinner in a sophisticate place with me.
Finish the man should give me the elusive jewel and say me the jewel represent his love to me!

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